Thorsten Pinkepank re-elected to the Board of Directors of CSR Europe
During its General Assembly in Brussels, CSR Europe officially appointed its new Board of Directors for the period 2019 till 2022. The Board consists of twelve Members, including Thorsten Pinkepank, Director Sustainability Relations at BASF.

CSR Europe and the Agenda 2030
CSR Europe is a leading European network of more than 10.000 companies working together towards a more sustainable future. With the SDGs in mind, CSR Europe aims to work with leading businesses and Stakeholders to develop an overarching strategy to create a sustainable Europe 2030 and drive the implementation of the EU’s agenda 2019-2024.
Importance of Europe for BASF
The EU and its member states play a leading role for the negotiation and adoption of the agenda 2030 for a sustainable development as well as for the SDGs. The European values are integrated in the agenda and Europe’s previous results and developments show in a variety of areas that Europe is a driving force for the global transformation. BASF agrees with the view of an increasing imperative to actively pursue sustainability topics at European level. BASF's commitment – together with other companies - to CSR Europe is to trigger positive impacts for a sustainable development not only in Europe, but worldwide.