26 mars 2018

Actualités & Médias

BASF increases production capacity for Joncryl® water-based emulsions

BASF has extended its production facilities for Joncryl water-based emulsions. In addition to the production site in Heerenveen, the Netherlands, BASF has ramped up its production of selected Joncryl emulsions at its Ludwigshafen site.

“With this investment, we reinforce our position as a leading manufacturer of water-based resins and emulsions used for printing inks, overprint varnishes and functional coatings for paper and board as well as flexible packaging applications,” says Ulf Neidlein, Vice President Business Management Resins & Additives Europe at BASF. “This is our way of responding to the increasing demand of our customers for printing and packaging applications and further strengthens our delivery reliability.”

With its Joncryl portfolio, BASF is addressing performance challenges of printers and converters such as consistency, resistance and solubility as well as sustainability challenges, increasing the effectiveness and structural quality of their packaging.

About BASF‘s Dispersions & Pigments division
The Dispersions & Pigments division of BASF develops, produces and markets a range of high-quality pigments, resins, additives and polymer dispersions worldwide. These raw materials are used in formulations for coatings and paints, printing and packaging products, construction chemicals, adhesives, fiber bondings, plastics, and paper as well as for electronic applications such as displays. With its comprehensive product portfolio and its extensive knowledge of the industry, the Dispersions & Pigments division offers its customers innovative and sustainable solutions and helps them advance their formulations. For further information about the Dispersions & Pigments division, please visit www.dispersions-pigments.basf.com.

About BASF
At BASF, we create chemistry for a sustainable future. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. The more than 115,000 employees in the BASF Group work on contributing to the success of our customers in nearly all sectors and almost every country in the world. Our portfolio is organized into five segments: Chemicals, Performance Products, Functional Materials & Solutions, Agricultural Solutions and Oil & Gas. BASF generated sales of €64.5 billion in 2017. BASF shares are traded on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA) and Zurich (BAS). Further information at www.basf.com.


Das Herz der BASF-Gruppe ist die BASF SE mit ihrem Stammwerk in Ludwigshafen am Rhein. Mit etwa 250 Produktionsbetrieben, vielen hundert Laboren, Technika, Werkstätten und Büros auf einer Fläche von rund zehn Quadratkilometern, ist es der größte zusammenhängende Chemiekomplex der Welt.
Das Stammwerk der BASF ist auch die Wiege des Verbundkonzepts: Produktionsanlagen, Energieflüsse und Logistik werden intelligent miteinander vernetzt, um Ressourcen so effizient wie möglich zu nutzen.
Abdruck honorarfrei. Copyright by BASF.

BASF SE with its main site in Ludwigshafen is the heart of the BASF Group. With around 250 productions facilities, hundreds of laboratories, technical centers, factories and offices in an area of approximately ten square kilometers, the site is the largest integrated chemical complex in the world.
As the headquarters of BASF it is also the cradle of the Verbund concept, where production facilities, energy flows and logistics are linked together intelligently in order to utilize resources as efficiently as possible.
Print free of charge. Copyright by BASF.

BASF has extended its production facilities for Joncryl water-based emulsions and has ramped up its production of selected Joncryl emulsions at its Ludwigshafen site.

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Dernière version26 mars 2018