Thorsten Pinkepank re-elected as Chair of the UN Global Compact Network Germany
November 17, 2021
Thorsten Pinkepank was re-elected by the Steering Committee of the UN Global Compact Network Germany as its Chair. On November 16, 2021, the newly elected Steering Committee of the German Global Compact Network met for the first time in Berlin.

With more than 780 participants from business, civil society and politics, the German network is derived from the UN Global Compact as the world's largest initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance. It supports companies in strategically anchoring sustainability on the basis of ten universal principles and contributing to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
The steering committee around Thorsten Pinkepank is made up of representatives from the German government, civil society and business. “I am delighted about the trust placed in us by our colleagues from companies, non-governmental organizations and the state - because only together will we be able to achieve the necessary transformation for sustainable development. This is what we want to work on with commitment in the Global Compact,” Pinkepank said after his re-election. At BASF, Pinkepank is Head of Sustainability Relations in the Corporate Sustainability unit.