Core Topics

Accelerating automotive innovation

The price of increased mobility is higher emissions. While people aren’t going to slow down any time soon, chemistry can get us from A to B with a cleaner footprint. We improve the ecological impact of cars in many ways. Our performance materials and fuel additives reduce weight and enable maximum engine cleanliness to improve a vehicle’s fuel consumption while, together with our catalysts, reducing emissions. Energy demands are less with our cool coatings while our battery materials enable mobility.

When better performance also means lower impact, it’s because at BASF, we create chemistry. 

By making the most of high-performance technologies, we can make cars go farther on the same amount of energy with higher safety. Now conscientious drivers can take their time and enjoy a longer, more interesting drive. Let’s celebrate the freedom of driving!

We have had great submissions for our #myscenicroute gallery. We just had to turn them into some films.  

Rediscover our joy of driving together with you!