Christian Schulz - Research and business. The perfect fit for greater sustainability.
Having started out in catalyst research, Christian moved into a BASF operating division four years later. Here he is responsible for catalyst commercialization. He is particularly enthusiastic about the opportunity to play an active role in the sustainable transformation.
After studying chemistry in Kaiserslautern, I already had a PhD position in a German Research Foundation (DFG) project, but I initially decided to do a six-month internship at Heidelberg University, where industrial catalysts are investigated and optimized using high-throughput technology. It quickly became clear to me that I didn’t want to take the most convenient route and continue my doctorate at university but instead wanted to take the opportunity to dive deeper into practical applications in the industrial environment. After the internship, I was offered the opportunity to become part of a new university-industry cooperation, the BasCat - UniCat BASF JointLab in Berlin, and to do my doctorate there. After completing my doctorate, I returned to university with a wealth of experience. As a laboratory manager, I managed up to 10 projects per year, made valuable contacts with experts from different companies and further developed my skills in international communication, especially in English. After four years, I was looking for a new challenge. I am very interested in the topic of sustainability and so I came to the Catalysts division, where I have been responsible for the commercialization of catalysts ever since. The projects I work on today are often long-term research of a certain size and complexity, which offers considerable potential for sustainable change. As a chemist, I am fascinated by actively participating in solutions for a more sustainable future and the opportunity to contribute to environmental and climate protection.
During my studies, I thought a lot about where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do. In particular, the internship, and thus the transition to industry, was a path that was different. But I wanted to make a difference and change something, and it was the right decision. Everything after my doctorate then happened by itself. But I can say that all the decisions I’ve made were ultimately made on an interpersonal basis. The most important thing for me has always been that it fits with the supervisor and the team.
An important piece of advice for me that I would like to share is to give constructive feedback while showing a willingness to drive change when potential for improvement is identified. It is just as important to actively seek feedback from others and to regularly reflect on whether one’s own activities make a meaningful contribution. In my experience at BASF, I have found that this culture of constructive feedback and open communication is firmly established. Every time I ask for feedback, I get valuable and supportive answers. This open and collaborative atmosphere is an integral part of what makes our working environment at BASF so special.