BASF Stiftung

Employee Donation Campaign #ColleaguesForUkraine

More than €4.2 million were collected for those affected in Ukraine - largest employee donation campaign in BASF's history. Thank you very much!

2,110,156 € were donated by employees worldwide. BASF has doubled the amount. 

Regardless of the #ColleaguesForUkraine donation campaign, the Ukrainian colleagues and their families are currently being supported by BASF and the BASF Foundation - both financially and organizationally, e.g. around accommodation and registration/applications.

Peter Ruhenstroth-Bauer, National Director of the UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe, reports on the care of Ukrainian refugees and thanks BASF employees for the donations that make this possible.

What happens with the donations?

2,110,156 € are available for colleagues from Ukraine for reconstruction.

In coordination with our local contacts - including the Managing Director Tiberiu Dima in Ukraine and his team - we disburse the donations for reconstruction. This ensures that the money reaches the people affected - without any deductions.

The amount doubled by BASF will directly benefit the Ukrainian refugees as a whole through the UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe, the UNHCR's national partner.

Video of  UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe:
Thank you to all employees of BASF and BASF SE

We are all completely overwhelmed and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this immense willingness to help. For our Ukrainian colleagues, many of whom have lost everything, this money will be a great help to build a new life.

Tiberiu Dima

Managing Director BASF Ukraine

The great willingness to help and the solidarity of BASF employees is impressive and I would like to thank each and every one of you very much on behalf of the entire UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe. Thanks to your commitment, we are able to provide the people from Ukraine with the most necessary relief supplies.

Peter Ruhenstroth-Bauer

Managing Director UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe

We guarantee that the money will benefit our Ukrainian colleagues, but any donations received after April 14, 2022 will no longer be matched by BASF.

Donate via Bank Transfer to
BASF Stiftung

BNP Paribas Frankfurt SA NL Frankfurt 

IBAN DE38 5121 0600 4221 2600 13


Does my donation really reach the people in need?

BASF Stiftung forwards your donations without deductions.
Because BASF doubles the donation of its employees, your donation even has a "double effect".

What does the support look like in concrete terms?

Why was UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe, the national Partner of UNHCR, chosen as partner organization?

What is the role of BASF Stiftung in the employee donation campaign?

Why does BASF Stiftung support BASF's Ukrainian employees and UNO Flüchtlingshilfe, the national partner of UNHCR, in addition to the emergency aid measures already taken?

Can I donate not only money but also goods like clothing, food, etc.?

Contact - Where can I ask further questions?