22. veljače 2021.


BASF renews commitment to the Responsible Care® initiative

February 22, 2021

Continuous improvement of environmental protection, health and safety within the company: These are the goals BASF commits to since 1992 as part of the voluntary Responsible Care® (RC) initiative of the chemical industry. At the beginning of February, the Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors, Martin Brudermüller, renewed the commitment on behalf of BASF. 

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With his signature, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors (left) Martin Brudermüller renewed the commitment to Responsible Care® on behalf of BASF. On the right in the picture is Hans-Peter Neumann, head of Corporate Environmental Protection, Health & Safety.


“At BASF, we act responsibly and, out of conviction, we do more for environmental, health and safety matters than laws and regulations require us to do,” said Martin Brudermüller. “For me, Responsible Care® is a key element of sustainable management, and a clear contribution to our company purpose: ‘We create chemistry for a sustainable future’.”

As a voluntary initiative of the chemical industry, Responsible Care® has pursued the safe handling of chemicals throughout their entire life cycle, as well as excellent performance in the areas of environmental protection, health and safety since 1984. Meanwhile, the initiative has gained support from chemical associations and companies in over 50 countries around the world.

In 2007, BASF introduced the Responsible Care Management System worldwide. It transparently depicts the active responsibility towards customers, employees and environment. The continuous improvement across all parts of the initiative, from product stewardship, occupational and process safety to health and environmental protection, together with further activities which go beyond these aspects, shows the contribution made to sustainable business practices, but also the social responsibility the company has committed to.

“Our commitment to the Responsible Care® initiative began in 1992 with a signature, and we are once again reinforcing it in 2021. Acting responsibly has always been vital to BASF – regardless of the initiative – and is one of the four company values, anchored in our corporate strategy. Here at BASF, we all practice a corporate culture in which safety, health and environment play key roles – from top managers all the way to trainees,” explained Hans-Peter Neumann, head of Corporate Environmental Protection, Health & Safety (COR). “By renewing our commitment to Responsible Care®, we are making an important statement, particularly in these trying times of the coronavirus pandemic, and are reaffirming our promise to our employees and customers.”

Birgit Hellmann
Global Communications Chemical Recycling and Renewable Carbon.
Posljednje ažuriranje22. veljače 2021.