Community Advisory Panels
As a company in the chemical industry, we are aware of the particular responsibility we have towards the local communities around our sites. We aim at engaging openly with our neighbors in various forms of neighborhood dialogs.
Our different tools for community relations depend on the specific site context, among them Community Advisory Panels. Mostly used at larger production sites, a Community Advisory Panel is a continuous, long-term discussion forum for open dialog. It consists of a group of individuals who live near or around a chemical facility and who represent the fabric of their community. The CAP meets regularly to discuss issues of mutual interest. It is a forum for open and honest dialog between citizens and site management. Our global internal requirements for Community Advisory Panels have been developed based on the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights for grievance mechanisms. The goal is to provide the community with the opportunity for direct involvement, while allowing us to better address the local expectations. We can only be successful if we enjoy the trust and support of our neighbors.