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Results: 262

Battery Pass-Konsortium veröffentlicht erste Content Guidance für den EU-Batteriepass
April 17, 2023

Battery Pass Consortium publishes first content guidance for the EU Battery Passport

The first publicly available content guidance on the Battery Passport drives the implementation of the digital battery passport intended in the new EU Battery Regulation and makes a significant contribution to more sustainability and circularity.
Der BASF-Unternehmensbereich Monomers entwickelt nachhaltige Alternativen für jede große Produktlinie. Zum Beispiel Lupranat® ZERO, das erste biobasierte zertifizierte MDI auf dem Markt ohne CO2-Fußabdruck.
January 17, 2023

BASF’s Monomers division announces sustainability roadmap and expands portfolio of climate-friendly products

BASF’s Monomers division has announced an ambitious sustainability roadmap: It will expand its portfolio of products with a lower CO2 footprint and is committed to providing a circular option in every major product line by 2025. At the same time, the division will continue to prioritize technical optimization measures to cut CO2 emissions from operations.
The packaging’s MAP properties preserve the quality of the passion fruit.
December 14, 2022

BASF and StePac partner to develop sustainable packaging for shelf-life extension of fresh produce

BASF SE (Ludwigshafen, Germany) and StePac Ltd. (Tefen, Israel) have joined forces to create the next generation of sustainable packaging specifically for the fresh produce sector. Supplying StePac with its Ultramid® CcycledTM, a chemically recycled polyamide 6, BASF will provide its partner greater flexibility to advance contact-sensitive packaging formats to a higher sustainable standard within the circular economy.
December 13, 2022

CDP again awards BASF Leadership status

The non-profit organization CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) has again ranked BASF as one of the world’s leading companies for its water management and forest and climate protection measures. BASF achieved the top rating A in the CDP assessment for sustainable water management and was rated A- in the other two categories.
December 8, 2022

BASF SE and its partners publish year six impacts for ‘Pragati’, the world’s first sustainable castor bean program

BASF and its partners have published the latest results from the Pragati project for sustainable castor beans. Pragati, the world’s first sustainable castor program was founded in May 2016 by Arkema, BASF SE, Jayant Agro-Organics along with implementation partner Solidaridad.
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