LuMit - The employee center for
Our employees are the deciding factor for the success of our company – today and in the future. In building LuMit, BASF created a visible sign that it takes combining career and private life as well as health promotion seriously.
The “Lu” in the center’s name stands for Ludwigshafen, BASF’s headquarters. The “Mit” stands for Mitarbeiter (employees), but also for Mitmachen (joining in) and Miteinander (together). This is because the center should be a meeting place for staff and a place where they receive support that helps them come to terms with their individual challenges.
The area, with approximately 10,000 square meters of space, is home to a modern building complex consisting of five buildings, where various offerings based on different phases of life are combined centrally under one roof. About 600 employees take advantage of these offerings every day. In the process they benefit from a closely integrated network of experts, which allows for effective and individual support across specialist areas.
LuKids nursery
LuFit – Fitness and health studio
LuCare – Employee Assistance Program by the BASF foundation