Digital Business Models
With the help of digital technologies and data, we are developing new solutions and business models, thereby complementing our existing business and attracting new customers.

Lab Assistant for Architectural Coatings
The “Lab Assistant” is a web-based application that enables customers to quickly find the right raw material and formulation ideas to create architectural coatings.
Through this platform, customers can easily obtain BASF application-driven raw material and formulation recommendations for their own product developments. Other features also include on-demand expert support from BASF, raw material sample ordering, and raw material and formulation comparisons just to name a few.
The “Lab Assistant” is easy to use, and runs on desktop PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones.
Currently serving the architectural coatings industry in Europe, “Lab Assistant” will be rolled out to other regions and industry segments in the near future.
More information on Lab Assistant for Architectural Coatings is available here.
OASE® connect
In the near future, we will be able to support our customers in the gas treatment business through the OASE connect online platform. With the help of the platform, we strengthen our service and offer our customers real-time access to important information. The functionalities include, for example, a software that helps customers find the optimum settings for their system and set them accordingly.
Depending on the need, our customers can use one or more OASE connect functions. We are currently testing the offer together with some of our customers. We are using their feedback to develop and further enhance the software.
More information on our gas treatment business is available here.
Maglis TM
Maglis is an online platform that helps farmers use the information at hand in a more efficient way for better crop management decisions. It connects data, technology and people, so that farmers can grow, market and live smarter.
Maglis is being developed in collaboration with farmers and agricultural experts to better understand farmers’ needs, and add value to their lives and businesses.
It offers a range of integrated, intuitive and easy-to-use tools that support decision-making, and help farmers make the connections they need to succeed. New insights and perspectives guide them from planning and planting to harvesting and marketing. Maglis addresses many of the key tasks and activities on the farm. It helps farmers use technology to improve crop management, understand their own data better, manage risk and optimize returns.
More information on Maglis can be found here.