Urban area beside the river during sunset


We produce safely and efficiently

Our global safety and security concepts serve to protect our employees, contractors and neighbors as well as to prevent property and environmental damage and protect information and company assets. Operational excellence is key to outperforming the competition sustainably, long-term. We are connecting across BASF to operate in the most efficient way possible. 

engineer working at BASF production site at night overlooking the city
We value the health and safety of people above all else. We focus on prevention in order to design and operate safe plants worldwide and to transport, handle and store our products safely. We respond to emergencies by being well prepared at all times and at all sites.
Responsible Care Management System
Responsible Care is a voluntary initiative of the chemical industry. The objective: continuous improvement in the areas of environmental protection, health and safety. BASF has established binding Responsible Care objectives for itself.
Beautiful landscape with green hot air ballon with BASF logo
Energy and Climate Protection
Climate change is a societal challenge. Innovative solutions developed by BASF contribute to protecting our climate, and we also work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our value chain. Energy efficiency plays a key role in this context.
Production factory at night by the water
The sustainable use of water and worldwide conservation of natural water resources are of concern to us. We reduce emissions to water from our production processes, and offer products that save water and improve water quality.
The 1992 Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro showed that companies can make an important contribution to biodiversity and its long-term benefits.