

Elastopave® - the innovative material for surface design

Elastopave® exploits the principle of binding suitable mixes of crushed stone with polyurethane to yield a strong, water- and air-permeable surface. Thanks to an intelligent mix of selected stone, the surface has many interconnected voids and hence a high degree of porosity. Given suitably absorbent ground, rainwater can percolate effectively and replenish aquifers.

Elastopave® is easy to process, and the stone mix can be flexibly varied to blend into the immediate surroundings. In addition, it also eliminates the downstream costs associated with fully sealed surfaces, e.g. wastewater charges. The bottom line is real benefits in design, attractiveness, longevity and eco-friendliness.  


Elastopave® for Infrastructure solutions

  • Water-permeable
  • Strong
  • Eco-friendly, does not seal the ground
  • Vast design scope
  • Cost-effective

One solution – boundless applications

In the coming decades, there will be an ever-growing global trend toward urbanization. Researchers, scientists, urban planners and architects are already predicting that two thirds of the world's population will be living in cities by 2050.

The biggest challenges facing these cities include not only creating modern architecture geared to these needs, but also suitably adapted, modern and above all sustainable infrastructure. Because sidewalks, bicycle lanes, park surfaces, patios, pedestrian zones and private traffic surfaces make a big contribution to inhabitants' well-being and hence to a sense of feeling at home. And precisely for this, there is now a new and incredible versatile material: Elastopave®.

The innovative material for discerning tastes

Be it on paths, plazas, driveways or gardens, Elastopave is the rock-solid material for waterpermeable wearing courses. And a rock-solid resource for your creativity. Stone bonded with Elastopave® is suitable not only for paths and driveways, but also for any applications where crushed stone or gravel need firm bonding – in indoor stone carpeting and in garden design, e.g. patios, gabions and outdoor furniture like park benches or table tops. And there are no limits to personal creativity when it comes to design and art objects. Let yourself be inspired by this material's incredible versatility. Elastopave® – water-permeable, strong and ecofriendly.

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New Ways with Elastopave®

Tailor-made Solutions 

Tailor-made for individual needs: We support our customers in developing application-oriented solutions.