A catalyst for change: BASF Australia's D+I journey

BASF Australia and New Zealand has been on a journey to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace. Having made significant strides in recent years, BASF remains committed to continuing this progress. Our journey began with the establishment of an employee-led Diversity + Inclusion Council to address gender diversity within the organisation. Over time, the Council’s focus expanded to include other areas of strategic importance to drive cultural transformation, enhance diversity in leadership and employment, and improve employee belonging and wellbeing.
In a recent collaboration with Jobsbank Australia, we explored BASF’s transformative journey. The chemical industry has always been known for its male-dominant nature, yet as an organisation that advocates for diversity in every form, this challenge was taken head on through the implementation of various approaches to close the gaps in diversity deriving from the intrinsic nature of the chemical business.
Some of these approaches include targeted recruitment and promotion to attract more women to the organisation by creating pathways to leadership positions. Mentorship and sponsorship programs were also part of the strategy to provide women guidance, support and opportunities to network with senior leaders.
Notably, the Coatings business had low levels of gender and cultural diversity. To address this, new roles were created with emphasis placed on skills over experience in the recruitment process. These strategic changes have resulted in substantial improvements, where the leadership team within the Coatings business itself went from zero women to 60%.
Despite the progress made, there are still challenges to overcome. BASF strives to continuously dispel unconscious bias while recognising the importance of evolving its D + I strategy to meet the changing needs of its workforce. Committed to the cause, BASF strongly believes in D + I being essential for innovation and success. The dedication to this cause has left a positive impact on employees, fostering a more flexible, adaptive and tolerant workplace where everyone feels valued and respected. Nevertheless, the journey continues.
To learn more about our journey, the challenges and opportunities we’ve faced, watch the video below: