Excellence in the field: Hannah McArdle

We’re thrilled to share BASF’s Hannah McArdle, Area Sales Manager, has been nominated in the 2021 Hort Connections National Awards.

The Hort Connections National Awards for Excellence are a fantastic way to acknowledge and recognise the outstanding contributions of individuals and companies in the industry. We caught up with Hannah to find out a little more about her career to date, and what this recognition means to her.


Hannah, congratulations on being nominated for the Hort Connections Awards for Excellence. What does this nomination mean to you?
I am blown away by the nomination, something I was not expecting! The award itself is gratifying but the meaning behind the nomination itself is incredibly humbling. To be recognised for an award that women like Rachel Mackenzie and Belinda Adams have won before is unfathomable!

Can you share a little about your career in the horticulture industry? Why did you choose a career in agriculture?
I grew up almost four hours from Adelaide on a small sheep farm, which led me to complete a Bachelor of Ag Science. I began the degree thinking I would become an animal nutritionist. I worked with a crop trial company (AgXtra) while studying, which led me into horticulture, which is still my passion.

What’s the best thing about working in the industry?
Undoubtably, the feeling of supporting the farmers in global food supply.

What is the biggest misconception about working in agriculture?
That the industry is for males only! Although many women can find themselves in difficult positions in male dominant industries, we need more women to increase diversity in thought in agriculture.

Any advice for young people considering a career in ag?
Always be open to new opportunities, no matter how uncomfortable you feel. I would never have entertained the idea of working in horticulture until I was given the opportunity.

The 2021 National Awards for Excellence will be presented throughout Hort Connections (June 7-9, 2021). We wish Hannah the best of luck!