BASF Antwerp


Since the inception of its Antwerp site, BASF has focused on efficient energy use.  

Most of the energy we use is generated by our own production processes, allowing us to meet most of our own energy needs. On top of that, we are always working on innovations that require less energy so we can produce even more efficiently.

Recycling heat and cold

In chemistry there are processes that generate heat and processes that require heat. At our site we try to recover and reuse surplus heat and cold as much as possible. For example: when we cool down a product, we use the removed heat to heat another process.

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Steam recovery

About 1.000 tons per hour. This is how much steam we need to keep our operations going. Fortunately we don't have to produce all that ourselves. 800 tons comes from on-site facilities with a steam surplus. We generate the rest in steam boilers and in our own energy-efficient steam and gas plant.