Who we are
Chemistry protects the climate
Climate change is one of the most urgent challenges facing society today.
BASF supports the objective of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius. Above all, we want to combat climate change through our skills in applying innovative solutions to address new challenges. For BASF, climate protection is a key task and an essential part of our strategy.

Our climate protection goal
BASF wants to achieve CO2-neutral growth until 2030. We aim to maintain total greenhouse gas emissions from our production sites (excluding emissions from sale of energy to third parties) and our energy purchases at the 2018 level (21.9 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents) while increasing production.
We want to reach our climate protection target and enable further reductions with plant optimization measures, by purchasing low-carbon energy, and with a research and development program to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions over the long term. We have bundled these measures in our global Carbon Management.

Reducing CO2 emissions
In recent decades, BASF has already achieved considerable reduction in CO2 emissions by optimizing energy generation and production processes as well as systematically reducing emissions of nitrous oxide. We continue these efforts and are also gradually replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources in our electricity purchasing. Moreover, to cut our greenhouse gas emissions dramatically, BASF researchers are intensively working on fundamentally new low-CO2 emitting production processes.
Carbon management
We are optimistic that these processes can be implemented from 2030 onward. Our primary goal here: We want to prevent CO2 emissions from occurring at all. Further options, such as the use of biomass, CO2 or waste as a raw material for chemical production will also increasingly play a role. However, the potential of sustainably available biomass is finite.
For now, there are limits to the uses of CO2, owing to the large amount of energy required.