Secure E-Mail Communication with BASF

Dear user,
we are very pleased that you wish to use the BASF Secure E-Mail Gateway for communication with your BASF contacts.


In the download area on the right hand side of this page you find a leaflet describing the secure e-mail exchange with your communication partner at BASF. It contains the necessary steps for preparing your participation in the secure e-mail communication. It also mentions some limitations of operations.


You also find an FAQ that tries to answer frequently asked questions. It will be extended and updated from time to time.

Root Certificate

Furthermore you find the BASF Root certificate for secure S/MIME communication as well as the PGP key of the BASF Trusted Introducer for download.

The fingerprints of these two objects are:

  • S/MIME Root Certficate (valid from 02/02/2015): ‎D3C2 211F 13EE 824E D851 F286 84E8 C5B2 27BC BD5C
  • PGP Trusted Introducer: DED8 53C8 80D8 D7CF BE81 13C5 6BE2 EECE 2FF7 E7C4


Certificate Revocation List

Besides you find the current Certificate Revocation List of BASF, which your S/MIME mail client might want to access during operation.

Contact Persons Secure E-Mail

In case of questions or problems with the secure E-Mail Gateway please contact