
Lampung Smallholder

  • Country: Indonesia
  • Years: Since 2018
  • Division: Care Chemicals

BASF’s Care Chemicals division has put a strategic focus on the production of sustainable palm oil which is provided by approximately 40% from smallholders.

In order to foster this approach, the Lampung smallholder project will strengthen smallholders’ commitment to produce palm oil in a sustainable way, protect and respect the environment as well as improve labor practices and relations with the community in Lampung area, Indonesia.

Together with partners a program will be developed where smallholders will receive trainings which empowers them to achieve RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) certification, increase productivity and thus improving their lives.


  • Training of 1.000 farmers
  • RSPO certification of 350 farmers

Sustainable Development Goals:

icon of family holding hands with red background and text 1-no poverty
Hot bowl icon with number 2 zero hunger
Green background icon with heart rate and number 3 good health and well-being