22 novembre 2018

Actualités & Médias

BASF introduces innovative Cavipor® insulation material for existing buildings

  • Non-flammable mineral-based insulation material
  • Quick and simple processing
  • No separation step in case of renovation or demolition

Cavipor® FTX 1 combines the advantages of a mineral-based insulation material with the simple, safe and clean processing of a foam system. With a rated value of thermal conductivity of 0,035 W/(m*K) its insulation effects are comparable to mineral wool and EPS. Cavipor’s properties make it thus particularly suitable for the energy renovation of buildings constructed from double-wall masonry. This kind of construction is often found in Northern Europe, usually where houses are made of brick. “In Germany alone, we are looking at potentially more than one million suitable buildings to be energetically renovated,” says Frank Reuter, who is responsible for the market introduction of the new product.

One of Cavipor’s main advantages is how simple it is to process: Its three aqueous initial components are aerated at the site, resulting in a viscous foam free from dust and fibers. It is then applied into the cavity of the double-wall masonry without any internal pressure or self-expansion. There, the foam cures and dries, fixing the insulation layer into position.


In order to preserve the facade, the foam can be inserted into the cavity through small drilled holes in a few cross joints in the front wall. The foam is self-sealing, meaning that it hardens at exactly the right time. This prevents the foam from leaking through smaller holes and cracks, so that any preparatory or subsequent work for filling is generally not required.


Cavipor FTX 1 consists of 90% inorganic parts and 10% organic binder. Due to its high share of mineral content, Cavipor is non-flammable. The product also does not emit any pollutants – neither when drying, nor while it is in the cavity. As the system is water-based and is foamed using just air, it does not contain any organic solvents or propellants. And despite it being water-repellent, the innovative insulation material enables excellent moisture adjustment with the environment due to its open-pore structure. This promotes a comfortable indoor climate.


The new insulation material also impresses when it comes to renovation or demolition: Cavipor can be disposed of together with the building rubble without a time-consuming separation process or can also be reused as a substrate.


Read more about Cavipor at https://products.basf.com/en/Cavipor.html


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Dernière version22 novembre 2018