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Biotic Beauty

Where traditional biotics meet cutting edge beauty care 


Evolution of Biotics

Biotics are everywhere in our ecosystem, and scientists have discovered these organisms’ limitless possibilities throughout history.

Technically speaking, biotics are no invention of the 21st century. Scientists have been harnessing the properties of these materials for over a century.


In the 1900s, the Nobel Prize-winning immunologist Ilya Ilitch Metchnikov discovered the mode of action of lactic ferments.

The term probiotic was used for the first time in the 1950s and at the same time scientists discovered prebiotic substances in human milk that had a positive effect on bifidobacteria. At the beginning of the 21st century, the first clear definitions of probiotic and prebiotic were created. While probiotics refers to beneficial bacteria, prebiotics refers to the substances that these bacteria eat.

In 2014, ISAPP (International Scientific Association of Probiotics and Prebiotics) issued its official definition of probiotic. Three years later, the association defined prebiotics.

Biotics : Definition & scope

In 2014, ISAPP (International Scientific Association of Probiotics and Prebiotics) issued its official definition of probiotic. Three years later, the association defined prebiotics.

Although the definition of the probiotic and prebiotic were almost stable during the last 20 years, the transfer of the concept to general public is still ongoing.

In the recent year, we assist to the explosion of various biotic terms.

These biotic health benefits have become increasingly attractive for consumers across markets – and particularly for skin and face care products in the cosmetics industry. Products with a biotic claim are associated with health, wellness and eco-friendliness.

New beauty rituals involving biotic skincare products are taking over the personal care market with claims related to moisturization, soothing properties and anti-aging, as well as skin and scalp protection.

Beauty through the eyes of biotics creating a new beauty ritual

Biotics invade the world of beauty


Probiotic are Beneficial Micro-organism for the skin

“live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host” *

For cosmetic industry, it can be extended to products derived from yeast or bacteria.

* Definition from ISAPP consensus panel (International Scientific Association of Probiotics and Prebiotics) emitted in 2014


Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer a health benefit on the host when administered in adequate amounts.

When it comes to the cosmetic industry, it can be extended to products derived from yeast or bacteria.

Bioactives from BASF Care Creations has been able to harness these beneficial attributes of natural probiotics and convert them into bio-actives, which help to target specific skin concerns:

  • Skin elasticity / firmness
  • Pre-aging / energizing

Probiotic solutions from BASF Care Creations

A complete portfolio of natural solutions for the skin


Prebiotics are Food for the skin microbiome

“A substrate that is selectively utilized by host/commensal microorganisms conferring a health benefit” *

* Definition from ISAPP consensus panel (International Scientific Association of Probiotics and Prebiotics) emitted in 2017


Prebiotics are a trending claim among consumers in personal care and are, in short, food for the skin microflora.

Bioactives from BASF Care Creations identified and categorized beneficial microflora that contributes to different skin benefits:

  • Pro-defense
  • Inflammation protection
  • Anti-aging
  • Scalp health

BASF uses in-vitro and in-vivo testing approaches to demonstrate that these bio-actives boost the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Prebiotic solutions from BASF Care Creations

Our solutions help boost the commensal bacteria beneficial for the skin