

Elasturan®: Cold-cast Elastomers, Two-component PU High-performance Systems

Elasturan® cold-cast elastomers are two-component PU high-performance systems. The PU system is an extremely efficient material for manufacturing specialised parts in especially high-load areas of industry.


Key Advantages of Elasturan®

  • High dynamic resilience
  • Top mechanical stability
  • Low friction levels
  • Extremely low deformation
  • High flexibility
Process technicians perform equipment inspections on storm water tank in Port Arthur, Texas. The tank collects rain water which is treated and clarified before being used in the manufacturing process.
Print free of charge. Copyright by BASF.

Prozesstechniker führen einen Kontrollgang durch am Regenwassertank in Port Arthur, Texas. Das gesammelte Regenwasser des Tanks wird aufbereitet und gereinigt, bevor es in der Produktion genutzt wird.
Abdruck honorarfrei. Copyright by BASF.  ,Process technicians perform equipment inspections on storm water tank in Port Arthur, Texas. The tank collects rain water which is treated and clarified before being used in the manufacturing process.
Print free of charge. Copyright by BASF.

Prozesstechniker führen einen Kontrollgang durch am Regenwassertank in Port Arthur, Texas. Das gesammelte Regenwasser des Tanks wird aufbereitet und gereinigt, bevor es in der Produktion genutzt wird.
Abdruck honorarfrei. Copyright by BASF.

Elasturan® HP is versatile, flexible, and it is a material that doesn't buckle - even under heavy loads. The PU system offers not just an incredible versatility of application, but also guarantees a high degree of efficiency and reliability. The material comes up trumps for instance, in industrial conveyor-belt production, where even the shortest interruption or hold-up can become a financial and logistical headache.

Because of its robustness, durability and form stability, Elasturan® HP is unsurpassable in the manufacture of specialised parts. It's also ideal for road-building and snow-clearing, agriculture, logistics and transport industries where toughness and absolute weather-resistance is vital.

6 Products Under Elasturan® HP

Elasturan® C1280

Elasturan® C6966

Elasturan® C6963

Elasturan® C6989

Elasturan® C1080

Elasturan® C6967

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Elasturan® Application Range

The applications are as manifold as its product properties: Explore the various application possibilities of Elasturan®!

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Tailor-made Solutions

Tailor-made for individual needs: We support our customers in developing application-oriented solutions.

Processing of Elasturan®

The following methods can be used for the processing of Elasturan®.