ASunset and wind turbines


Our solutions: Products for climate protection

BASF products are involved in a large number of climate protection technologies. They enable energy efficiency and climate protection in a variety of sectors, such as building and living, mobility, energy and agriculture.

Examples of our products for climate protection:

Building and Living

By 2050, nine billion people will live on our planet, three-quarters of them in cities. Growing urbanization will require new concepts in housing and construction. Sustainability is an essential factor for our future. What does our path look like? How can we tackle the new challenges together?

Photo: Materials for house building
Multiple green rectangular boards stack together
Styrodur® – energy-efficient allrounder insulation board

It was in 1964 that BASF began producing this green insulation board. Nowadays, Styrodur® is a synonym for XPS in whole Europe and stands for diverse applications, robustness and highest compressive strength.

In 2015 the new generation was born: Thermally welded Styrodur® with one single Lambda value over the whole thickness range.

An analysis shows that the volumes of Styropor®, Neopor® and Styrodur® sold in 2019 help our customers to save 62 million metric tons of CO2 emissions over the entire lifecycles of these products when used to insulate existing buildings. This calculation is based on a lifecycle analysis that takes into account the production and disposal of the insulation materials and compares the energy consumption of a renovated building with that of an unrenovated building over a period of 50 years. The calculation of avoided greenhouse gas emissions took into account the chemical industry standards of the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Develeopment (WBCSD). 
Dowload Case Study
BASF also offers biomass balance (BMB) versions of Styropor®, Neopor® and Styrodur®. In accordance with an externally certified mass balancing method, 100% of the fossil raw materials used in the production of these BMB products are replaced by renewable raw materials such as bio-naphtha or biogas. This saves carbon emissions and fossil resources during the manufacturing process. Together with the German EPS insulation manufacturer Bachl, we calculated in a lifecycle analysis that the use of renewable raw materials reduces carbon emissions from the production of Neopor® BMB by 66% compared with conventionally produced Neopor® products (based on one cubic meter of insulation board).
Photo: Resistant foam


Reducing CO2 emissions, meeting recycling targets and improving air quality are industry challenges we all are facing. Limited availability of fossil fuels and climate change call for more efficient cars and lower emissions. “We create chemistry for a sustainable future” – according to this purpose we develop chemistry that drives us from A to B with a cleaner footprint. 

Lufthansa technician applies sharkskin film
Close up shot of a white car exhaust
CEE plug made of Ultradur


With our connected offer of products, technologies and services, we want to transform agriculture for the better by making a positive impact on the agricultural food system and ultimately on society. We believe that digitalization is at the core of this transformation and has the power to impact billions of people. 

Photo: Growing plants


BASF supports the deployment of wind power as a climate-friendly source of energy. BASF’s innovative solutions are a contributory factor in the more efficient manufacturing and maintenance of rotor blades, bases, towers and gears for wind turbine systems.