Explore BASF in Africa

Over 2000 different languages, 55 countries, and two oceans: This is Africa. A continent characterized by a tremendous diversity of climates and cultures. With over 30 million km², it compromises 22% of Earth's land area. Only Asia surpasses these dimensions. Africa's growth potential came to the fore in the 21st century. In 2014, BASF’s inaugurated its first production plant for construction chemicals in Eastern Africa.
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BASF Agricultural Specialties
91 Clifton Canyon Drive 3610 Mahogany Ridge, South Africa

BASF Algérie Construction Chemicals
Zone Industrielle de Baba Ali, DISTRICT 05-Ilot 03., 16 305 Algier, Algeria

BASF Coatings Services Pty Ltd.
Central Park Building 2, Esplanade Road 7441 Century City, Capetown, South Africa
BASF East Africa Ltd.
The Pavilion, Lower Kabete Road, Nairobi, Kenya

BASF Holdings South Africa (Pty) Ltd
852 Sixteenth Road Midrand, Johannesburg 2801, Halfway House 1685, South Africa