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Soccket is a ball – and a tiny power station. During a regular game of soccer, it generates and stores electricity. Just 15 minutes of playing are sufficient to power an LED lamp for 3 hours. Inside the ball, which is barely heavier than a standard leather soccer, there is a small pendulum that charges up a battery when it swings. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton was so impressed by this idea for regions without a regular electricity supply that he donated money for its development. According to the World Bank, 1.4 billion people have no access to an electricity grid and another 1.3 billion have no stable source of energy. Clinton was not the only one who supported the project: In March 2013, more than one thousand fans donated money online, raising more than $92,000 (nearly €70,000). Now the start-up Uncharted Play plans to begin large-scale production of the ball.