Responsible Care
BASF has embraced the goals of the chemical industry's voluntary Responsible Care initiative and applies them to the entire BASF Group. The corporate unit Environmental Protection, Health and Safety defines concrete goals for the key areas of Responsible Care, ensures their implementation and monitors their performance.

Responsible Care is a voluntary initiative of the chemical industry. The objective: continuous improvement in the areas of environmental protection, health and safety. Companies in the chemical industry and associations in more than 50 countries support this initiative. BASF committed to the principles of Responsible Care in 1992 and has established binding Responsible Care objectives for itself. Responsible Care activities also constitute a central element of sustainable business management at BASF.
We visibly practice and document our commitment to Responsible Care. In order to do so, we implemented a Responsible Care Management System as early as 2007, which applies to all companies in the BASF Group as well as companies in which we hold a majority share.
BASF Responsible Care Management System
BASF’s Responsible Care Management System comprises the global rules, standards and procedures for environmental and health protection, safety and security for the various steps along our value chain. The Responsible Care Management System forms the superordinate structure for the EHS documents. This document applies throughout the BASF Group and covers all EHS topics: