Now available: Trilon® M Max based on renewable resources
August 6, 2019
BASF has launched Trilon® M Max EcoBalanced, the first renewables-based Trilon® M grade produced according to the biomass balance approach.

This approach replaces fossil feedstock with renewable feedstock such as bio-naphtha or biogas at the very beginning of production. The renewable feedstock is then allocated to Trilon M Max EcoBalanced, using a TÜV Nord-certified method. This allows BASF to fully replace fossil feedstock by renewables, not only saving scarce fossil resources, but also reducing damaging greenhouse gas emissions. The Trilon M Max EcoBalanced is 100 percent renewables-based, thus helping to protect the environment and the climate without compromising on the high quality BASF customers expect. Trilon M Max EcoBalanced has now been awarded certification based on the global REDcert2 scheme.
“The demand for home care and I&I cleaning solutions with sustainable and high-quality ingredients is rising all the time. We developed the readily biodegradable chelating agent Trilon M in the first place because we realized early on how important it was to find a sustainable alternative to phosphate and phosphonate. With Trilon M Max EcoBalanced, we are going one step further: supporting our customers on their journey to more sustainability by using renewable raw materials, lowering the consumption of fossil resources, and reducing the carbon footprint in the production operations. At the same time, we are giving our customers full transparency with the REDcert2 certification,” said Soeren Hildebrandt, Senior Vice President, Home Care, I&I and Industrial Formulators Europe at BASF.
Trilon® M Max EcoBalanced awarded REDcert2 Standard certification
In 2019, BASF transferred certification of biomass balanced products to the new global REDcert2 scheme for the chemical industry. BASF has established a closed chain of custody for the biomass balance approach that extends from the renewable feedstock right through to the final product. Independent certification by TÜV Nord in compliance with the global REDcert2 scheme confirms to the customer that BASF has fully replaced the entire quantity of fossil feedstock required to make Trilon M Max EcoBalanced with renewables right from the start of the production process.
Trilon® M is the global market standard for sustainable cleaning solutions
Chelating agents are used in a huge variety of applications. In modern dishwasher tabs, chelating agents prevent and dissolve scales and dirt on dishes. In addition, they enhance the cleansing effects of detergents, industrial and general-purpose cleaners and are used as process aids in the paper industry. Chelating agents are also used as intermediates in the production of specialized fertilizers which can add to plant health and avoid salination of soil.