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Future Leaders Summit 2023

What makes a great leader? Leaving nothing to chance and taking control of the future! Tackle yours and apply until 15 March 2023 to be a part of our Future Leaders Summit in Ludwigshafen.

The  BASF Future Leaders Summit will take place at BASF headquarters in Ludwigshafen from May 16 to 17, 2023. It is the career event for our TOP START International Business Leader Program and offers a glimpse into what a career at BASF can look like: It connects participants with diverse and ambitious young leaders within our company as well as Members of the Board.

You are eager to make an impact and shape the future of a global player? You want to improve your leadership skills during a unique leadership trainee program? Take the chance to show us why you should become a future leader at BASF and apply for our 2-day Future Leaders Summit.

Currently, it is not possible to apply for this program. All information regarding the Future Leaders Summit 2023 will be announced on this page.


That's in for you!

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The Future Leaders Summit gave me a first taste of what it means to be a leader at BASF and what to expect when  joining the TOP START community.
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Hanna Mayr


A little insight into the TOP START Program

If you are still questioning, why you should apply for the Future Leaders Summit and thus for the TOP START Trainee Program, we have something for you. Dan Solomon, a former Trainee, is answering three questions about the program for you, which won´t make you hesitate anymore – enjoy! 

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The TOP START is challenging, it is intriguing and it is fun.

I know there are programs out there that advertise something from the outside and it's completely different once you joined the company. The TOP START Program is completely different. It is exactly as advertised and even more. You get access to the management, you get access to a vibrant community and the flexibility to carve your own path is top notch. So, you can decide that you want to got in the strategy for your first rotation, you want to do procurement for your second rotation and you want to go into controlling for your third rotation. It is absolutely up to you.

If you get a chance to either be in the future leader summit or be in the interview process you don't need to over impress. Just be yourself, relax, enjoy the events, enjoy the application centers and have fun. The Future Leaders Summit is not a one-way street. Use this opportunity to understand if BASF is a company you want to work for.

We are looking for exceptional graduates and young professionals with leadership potential!

  • Degree in the field of business or economics with excellent track record - ideally from an international, top ranked business school: Master, MBA or Ph.D. with no more than 3 years of work experience 
  • Global mindest through international experience, e.g. during your studies or internships at global players in the industry
  • Fluent in English and in at least one other language
  • Proven leadership potential e.g. via social commitment or in extracurricular activities
  • Outstanding personal skills in entrepreneurial action, customer orientation, strong communication and intercultural skills, and a well-developed empathy for others and a strong team spirit
  • Curious, flexible, solution-focused, and happy to deal with change while you grow by getting out of your comfort zone


How to successfully apply for the Future Leaders Summit:

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FAQs- Future Leaders Summit

Want to find out more about the Future Leaders Summit? Here are the answers to some questions we’re often asked.

Please use our online application form and attach your motivation letter, CV (please add your final/current average grade in your CV), high school diploma, Bachelor's degree with grades, Master's degree with grades or current transcript of grades, work references (letter or person of contact), GMAT Test Score (if available), and certificates.

Files such as scanned certificates must be no larger than 5MB each. Please try to use pdf formats.

English is the preferred language, but applications in German are also accepted. The event will be completely in English.

All data provided to BASF is handled strictly in accordance with German data protection legislation. HR details, including candidate information obtained via our online application system, are treated in the strictest confidence and are used exclusively for application purposes.

You will be informed via mail about the next process steps. If your application was successful, we will invite you for an online test to further identify the best candidates. 

You can find the information about the online test and other steps of the recruitment process here: TOP START International Business Leader Program

The event will take place from May 16-17, 2023 at our German headquarters in Ludwigshafen.

Costs for accommodation and travel will be covered by BASF up to a predefined amount. Further information will be sent to you after your successful online application.

Make sure you choose a suitable background and adapt to our dress code (Business Casual). Also check if your technology is working (both audio and video) and test your internet connectivity and speed. You should also not be distracted by your cell phone or your surroundings. Also, during the interview, showing that you have studied the company and understand what is important will leave a good impression.

We expect your participation throughout the whole event. If you have some limitations regarding that point, please contact us in advance for consultancy.

After the event, you could receive a written attendance record, if required. Please let us know in advance or at the event. You will also get a certificate of participation after the event.

On the event, we will select the best qualified applicants and invite them to the interview day. This is the last step before being selected as a TOP START Program member. Your complete application portfolio including your performance at the event will give us a good impression, whether you are the right one for the TOP START Program. You will find our selection criteria in the chapter “What we are looking for”. Please be yourself: Although the event is part of a selection process, it is also meant for networking and to get to know BASF as an employer much better.

There is no difference between the two application processes. Only the event as such makes a difference but not for your chances to be part of the TOP START Program. As a benefit for both sides, the event offers the possibility to connect and by this, the students get a better insight into BASF.

Please address all questions to: and we will respond to your request in the shortest possible time.


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Do you have further questions?

Get in touch with Anna Remberg
