People on a sailing boat in the ocean, under a bright sky, surrounded by a key visual of four lines in blue, orange, green and red (photoshopped)


The chemical industry is a great business to be in, connected to almost everything. It is an essential part of our daily lives and at the root of almost all industries. Enabling our customers’ green transformation is the source of our motivation and will be the key driver for our profitable growth.

Our ambition: to be the preferred chemical company to enable our customers’ green transformation.
We will continue to be a company with a strong, broad portfolio of chemical businesses at our core. This is what we are known for. It’s also what makes us most relevant to customers globally, across a wide variety of industries.
We want to inspire our customers to make us their partner of choice. So that they’ll choose us every day as the chemical company they work with and buy from. A trusted partner in creating their future success.
Our customers and their needs are at the center of everything we do. Everyone at BASF strives to create the best experience for them. Everywhere, every day.
Our product and process innovations allow our customers to innovate and grow in their respective markets. Our scientists and engineers make amazing things possible.
All our customers will transform their business models toward a lower CO2 and more circular world. At different speeds. With different priorities. Our ambition goes beyond making BASF green: We will also enable the green transformation of our customers’ businesses. This will be the key driver for our profitable growth.
Vorsitzender des Vorstands (CEO) der BASF SE, verantwortlich für die Bereiche Corporate Development; Corporate Legal, Compliance & Insurance; Corporate Human Resources; Corporate Communications & Government Relations; Corporate Investor Relations.
By delivering superior offerings to our customers, we want to grow profitably and create value for shareholders. Our winning culture will be a key enabler for the successful execution of our strategy.“
Dr. Markus Kamieth, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors (CEO) of BASF SE

Markus Kamieth


The playing field in the chemical industry is changing – so are we. With our new strategy, we are targeting value creation and are changing toward a performance culture. Four winning ways will make our ambition a reality and put BASF on a renewed path to success.


A hand is holding a lens in front of a mountain, focusing on the summit

Our new strategy sets a clear focus on the management of BASF’s portfolio. Going forward, we will differentiate between our core businesses, consisting of the segments Chemicals, Materials, Industrial Solutions and Nutrition & Care, and our industry-specific standalone businesses Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions, Battery Materials, Coatings and Agricultural Solutions. We will apply different value-creation levers to strengthen and profitably grow our chemical core and to unlock the value of our standalones. A new approach to capital allocation based on clear portfolio roles of our businesses will improve capital discipline and cash generation. Enhancing the footprint of our core businesses in China, India and ASEAN will contribute to our future success.


We will simplify and accelerate how we get things done – for example by sharpening roles, by establishing flatter hierarchies, and by dissolving the regional divisions of our matrix organization. To improve our performance, we will further increase the entrepreneurial freedom of our businesses – and with it their accountability for business success. Harnessing AI across the company and in all functions will drive productivity, improve profitability and accelerate innovation.

Four ice skaters accelerating


Two hands transforming clay into a vase

We remain fully committed to our climate protection targets and the green transformation of our operations and product portfolio. Going forward, we will focus even more on products with sustainability attributes, where we see customer demand ramping up most. Building on the unique advantages and opportunities of our Verbund, we will increase volumes of recycled and bio-based feedstocks to drive Sustainable-Future Solutions and net-zero measures at scale. Like BASF as a whole, our largest site in Ludwigshafen will benefit from the change and growth momentum connected to the green transformation. Our goal: To transform Ludwigshafen into a leading, sustainable chemical site for Europe and a strong pillar for BASF’s success.


We have the best team in our industry – with great competencies, strong shared values and mutual respect. To ensure BASF’s long-term success, we will further develop our company culture. Stepping up accountability, increasing speed and nurturing a mindset of continuous improvement are at the heart of our Winning Culture.

Two female soccer players celebrate their win

Our financial targets

EBITDA before special items 

Free cash flow
(cumul. 2025-2028)


Capital Markets Day 2024
More information about our new strategy, can be found on our Capital Markets Day 2024 page.

Kami beraspirasi untuk menjadi perusahaan kimia terdepan bagi para pelanggan kami. Kami ingin memperkuat hasrat kepada para pelanggan diseluruh perusahaan. Kami akan tumbuh menguntungkan dan menciptakan nilai bagi masyarakat. Inilah cara kami menciptakan kimia untuk masa depan yang berkelanjutan.

Konferensi Pers Strategi
Kami telah menerbitkan strategi BASF terbaru pada 20 November 2018

Kini, dunia berubah lebih cepat dari sebelumnya, terdorong oleh perubahan demografis dan teknologi digital baru. Para pelanggan kami berbeda di setiap industri dan wilayah, dihadapi oleh tantangan perbedaan sosial dan lingkungan yang disebabkan oleh keterbatasan sumber daya alam dan meningkatnya permintaan konsumen. Chemistry adalah kunci untuk menjawab tantangan-tantangan tersebut.

Di masa yang akan datang, kami ingin mengantisipasi dan memenuhi kebutuhan para pelanggan kami dengan lebih baik. Kami mempunyai satu ambisi ke depan yang jelas: Para pelalnggan kami akan mendapatkan pengalaman yang baru dengan BASF. Dengan menggabungkan keahlian unik kami di bidang chemistry dengan kompetensi para pelanggan kami, kami ingin menggabungkan solusi untuk masyarakat dan bumi yang menguntungkan dan bertanggung jawab. Dengan cara ini, kami akan tumbuh menguntungkan dan menciptakan nilai bagi masyarakat.

Di Verbund, kami secara cerdas menghubungkan pabrik produksi dan teknologi kami untuk menggunakan sumber daya secara efisien dan memanfaatkan keahlian kami. Selama lebih dari 150 tahun, inovasi kami telah berkontribusi untuk merubah dunia yang kita huni menjadi lebih baik. Karena ini adalah tujuan kami. Ini adalah keahlian kami: Kami menciptakan kimia untuk masa depan yang berkelanjutan.

Baca selengkapnya tentang area fokus kami dan target kami.

Shaping the future of e-mobility: Research on high-performance battery materials / Antrieb für die Zukunft: Forschung an hochleistungsfähigen Batteriematerialien für Elektromobilität
Dengan produk dan proses kami, kami menyediakan solusi berkelanjutan untuk tantangan global.
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