

In the new research building B007, BASF research moves closer together. Here, scientists from material physics, formulation and specialty chemicals research work door-to-door. They develop new solutions together with polymer chemists in the neighboring building. A bridge, shortening paths, interconnects the two buildings. 

Furthermore, open communication areas facilitate exchange between the scientific disciplines. This stimulates creative ideas, and benefits the efficient development of effective solutions.

Sabine Hirth (left), Karsten Seidel (middle left) and Bernhard von Vacano (middle right), from Material Physics, together with Fangfang Chu (right), chemist at Formulation Research, exchange experience and discuss research findings.

BASF products enable energy efficiency and climate protection in a variety of sectors, such as the construction industry, the automotive industry and in industrial processes. Our goal is to continually increase the contribution of our current products for climate protection, as well as of new products and solutions. We invest about half of our annual expenditures for research and development (R&D) on product and process innovations where the R&D target is related to energy/resource efficiency and climate protection. 

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