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Produkty, priemysel, technológie, stratégie a nový obchod – to je naša marketingová divízia. Je rovnako rozmanitá ako celá spoločnosť BASF.


Spoločnosť BASF ako popredný svetový líder v oblasti chémie vyrába nespočetné množstvo rôznych produktov pre širokú škálu spotrebiteľských odvetví – napríklad pre automobilový, stavebný či potravinársky priemysel.

To, samozrejme, ponúka obrovské množstvo príležitostí pre odborníkov v oblasti marketingu. Naše marketingové tímy pôsobia ako spojovací článok medzi spoločnosťou BASF a svetovým trhom s jeho neustále sa meniacimi požiadavkami. Rýchle a efektívne reagovanie na tieto zmeny si vyžaduje transparentnosť trhu. V oblasti marketingu budete zodpovedať za segmenty výrobkov a odvetví a upevňovanie vedúceho postavenia spoločnosti BASF na svetovom trhu v úzkej spolupráci s našimi predajnými tímami v oddeleniach obchodu.

As a candidate with previous professional experience, you can join the company in a position of responsibility.

From the very start, you take responsibility for the tasks, products, and projects assigned to you.

You will be supported by experienced colleagues, training 'on-the-job' and other measures that will give you an easy start with us.

When you apply to us, we will organize an interview day where you will take part in several one-on-one conversations with the relevant technical experts and managers - this is the best way of finding out if the chemistry between us is right.

You are a business economist, business engineer, business chemist or scientist and have already gathered several years of professional experience.

Since you as a marketing specialist always have to keep an eye on the ever-changing markets and customer needs, you are driven by innovation, act entrepreneurially and responsibly, and orientate yourself at all times to the needs of the customer.

You enjoy working in a team and also communicate fluently in English.

We are looking forward to receiving your convincing application.

We offer the following opportunities in the area of marketing:

  • In product management, you are responsible for managing the sales, turnover and results of a product portfolio.
  • In industrial or segment marketing, you develop an in-depth marketing understanding for a sector or application segment.
  • In technical marketing, you act as an interface between the customer and product development.
  • In strategic marketing, you have the responsibility to design, coordinate and deliver marketing strategies to profitably position businesses over the long term.

As well as planning and implementing the marketing mix, product management is also responsible for expanding the market know-how by conducting customer and competitor analyses.

In industrial or segment marketing, you develop solutions tailored to the industry segment and market these to customer and other important market players.

In technical marketing, your tasks include identifying customer demands and outlining the product requirements of domestic and international markets.

In strategic marketing, you oversee the implementation of strategies at BASF’s various business units.

BASF offers you diverse opportunities for development: Whether you want to become an expert in your chosen field, wish to become a generalist or also get to know different funtional units within BASF – we can support and promote you along every step of the way.

Thanks to our large number of business units, functional divisions and competence centers, you have many options open to you in our company.