Connecting the Dots™
Connecting the DotsTM Program Summary
Connecting the DotsTM is a unique, proprietary program designed to develop a one or two day event focused on a customer’s needs and BASF’s portfolio of solutions. Following a structured topic selection process, experts from both companies work together to identify agenda topics of mutual interest. The event highlights these selected topics through presentations and hands-on exhibits interspersed with networking and discussion opportunities. This process, which establishes a strategic partnership, leads to new long and short term development opportunities for both companies.
Event Objectives
- Conduct a two-way exchange of ideas for growth and innovation
- Present targeted solutions for a customer’s needs/challenges
- Create new business opportunities (short, medium & long term)
- Enhance and broaden the Customer-BASF relationship

For inquiries, please contact:
Alan Weinstein
Director, Customer Experience North America