Creating Chemistry Magazine 2019Issue #8Dear readers, All over the world, more and more people are moving to cities. In 2030, there will be 43 megacities with more than 10 million inhabitants. In 1950, there were only two. Urbanization is presenting policymakers... Continue reading
The five E’s of a city plannerSingapore’s former chief planner explains how to make liveable megacities. Find out more
Urban resilienceFlooding is a threat for many cities around the world. BASF helps protect cities from the elements. Find out more
Let there be lightDaylight is good for people – but what if there isn’t enough of it? We show some solutions that work with nature. Find out more
Sand in short supplySand is everywhere? Not any more. After water, sand is the most-used raw material in the world – and it is becoming a scarce resource. Find out more
Ordering the worldIn 2019, we mark the Year of the Periodic Table – reason to pay closer attention to the elements.Find out more
Why coastal protection is importantShanghai is exposed to flooding and high tides. The 360° video shows how the city is shaped by the power of water. Watch video
Waste not, want notA high-tech industry in a balancing act between technology and the garbage can.Find out more
FocusA new look at energyOur hunger for energy continues to grow. How can we meet increasing demand while simultaneously protecting the climate?Explore Issue #10
FocusDiet for the EarthOur current food system isn’t good for us or the planet. What can we do to fix this?Explore Issue #9
FocusAge of the superbrainsHow supercomputers and quantum computers are changing business and society.Explore Issue #7
FocusThe future of mobilityMobility in the 21st century requires innovation. Discover cities and technologies that demonstrate how it’s possible to meet the challenge of the century.Explore Issue #5
FocusHigh-tech solutions to combat hungerSmartphones, intelligent machines and vertical farming in skyscrapers. How innovative concepts are changing the agriculture of the future.Explore Issue #4
FocusThe thirst of citiesMore and more cities are running dry. How can we meet the challenges of urban water management? Download Magazine #3
FocusA role model for sustainable energy use?Director of Sustainability Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany presents the ambitious Masdar City energy-saving project.Download Magazine #2
FocusMalaria: A winnable war?United Nations advisor Jeffrey Sachs explains why malaria control is a battle worth fighting.Download Magazine #1