
Statement of Income

Half-Year Financial Report 2024

  Explanations in the notes Q2 H1
Million €   2024 2023 2024 2023
Sales revenue     16,111   17,305   33,664   37,297
Cost of sales   –11,920 –13,162 –24,524 –27,906
Gross profit on sales   4,191 4,143 9,140 9,391
Selling expenses   –2,253 –2,194 –4,375 –4,425
General administrative expenses   –374 –382 –745 –748
Research and development expenses   –524 –515 –1,014 –1,053
Other operating income [5] 390 586 768 875
Other operating expenses [5] –956 –687 –1,660 –1,302
Income from integral companies accounted for using the equity method   41 22 93 103
Income from operations (EBIT)   516 974 2,205 2,841
Income from non-integral companies accounted for using the equity method   41 96 257 275
Income from other shareholdings   18 3 44 21
Expenses from other shareholdings   –19 –7 –32 –21
Net income from shareholdings   40 92 269 275
Interest income   91 66 184 126
Interest expenses   –239 –226 –458 –405
Interest result
  –147 –159 –274 –279
Other financial income   38 24 78 58
Other financial expenses   –48 –80 –108 –113
Other financial result   –11 –56 –31 –55
Financial result   –158 –215 –304 –334
Income before income taxes   398 851 2,170 2,781
Income taxes   72 –296 –290 –622
Income after taxes   470 555 1,880 2,159

of which attributable to shareholders of BASF SE (net income)

  430 499 1,797 2,061

of which attributable to noncontrolling interests

  40 56 83 98
Basic earnings per share (€)   0.48 0.56 2.01 2.31

Diluted earnings per share (€)

  0.48 0.56 2.01 2.31
Last Update July 26, 2024