

1. Presentation of the adopted Financial Statements of BASF SE and the approved Consolidated Financial Statements of the BASF Group for the business year 2019; presentation of the Management’s Reports of BASF SE and the BASF Group for the business year 2019 including the explanatory reports on the data according to Sections 289a(1) and 315a(1) of the German Commercial Code; presentation of the Report of the Supervisory Board

2. Adoption of a resolution on the appropriation of profit

3. Adoption of a resolution giving formal approval to the actions of the members of the Supervisory Board

4. Adoption of a resolution giving formal approval to the actions of the members of the Board of Executive Directors

5. Appointment of the auditor for the business year 2020

6. Election of Supervisory Board

7. Adoption of a resolution approving the compensation system for the members of the Board of Executive Directors

8. Amendment to Article 10 No. 2 of the Statutes (term of office of members of the Supervisory Board)

9. Amendment to Article 14 Nos. 3, 5 and 7 of the Statutes regarding compensation of the Supervisory Board

10. Adoption of a resolution on the confirmation of Supervisory Board compensation

Last UpdateMay 22, 2020