Targets and Target Achievement 2023
Profitable growth
Effective climate protection
Responsible procurement
Resource-efficient and safe production
Committed employees and diversity

1 Scope 1 and Scope 2 (excluding the sale of energy to third parties). The target includes greenhouse gases according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which are converted into CO2 equivalents (CO2e). The baseline year is 2018.
2 Scope 3.1, raw materials excluding battery materials, services and technical goods, excluding greenhouse gas emissions from BASF trading business. Future adjustment of the baseline in line with the TfS guideline possible depending on the availability of further primary data. The baseline year is 2022.
3 The figure for 2022 was adjusted due to increased data availability.
4 We updated the safety targets in 2023.
5 We regularly calculate the employee engagement level. The most recent survey was conducted in 2023.