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We Love EVs

Temui beberapa penggemar kendaraan listrik yang paling bersemangat di dunia – dari anggota masyarakat dengan kisah inspiratif tentang romansa sejati di bidang elektromobilitas hingga orang-orang BASF yang mencurahkan hati mereka ke dalam pekerjaan mereka di sekitar bahan baterai kendaraan listrik...

Close up of an elderly woman sitting in a green car.

Cerita Kita

Audrey dan Steve:
Pasangan yang dibuat di surga kendaraan listrik


Salah satu spesialis konversi kendaraan listrik wanita satu-satunya di Amerika, Audrey Clunn yang menarik perhatian, menceritakan kisah cinta sejatinya… (selain suaminya Steve!)


Tonton film Clun

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Close up of an elderly woman sitting in a green car.

Our Stories

Audrey and Steve:
a match made in EV heaven

One of America’s only female electric vehicle conversion specialists, the irrepressible Audrey Clunn, tells the tale of her one true love... (aside from her husband, Steve!)

Watch the Clunn's Film

Read their story



Our Stories

Audrey and Steve: a match made in EV heaven

One of America’s only female electric vehicle conversion specialists, the irrepressible Audrey Clunn, tells the tale of her one true love... (aside from her husband, Steve!)

Watch the Clunn's Film

Read their story


A man sitting in an electric vehicle on a field by sunset.

Cerita Kita

Perlombaan Hernan melawan perubahan iklim


Sejak kecil, kehidupan Hernan adalah tentang balap motor. Sekarang dia dan timnya menciptakan kembali mobil balap antik yang ikonik... sebagai kendaraan listrik. Itu semua adalah bagian dari persaingan yang berbeda: satu melawan waktu itu sendiri.


Tonton film Hernan

Baca kisahnya


A man sitting in an electric vehicle on a field by sunset.

Our Stories

Hernan's race against climate change

Since he was a boy, Hernan’s life has been about motor racing. Now he and his team are recreating an iconic vintage racing car... as an electric vehicle. It’s all part of a race of a different kind: one against time itself.

Watch the Hernan's Film

Read his story



Our Stories

Hernan's race against climate change

Since he was a boy, Hernan’s life has been about motor racing. Now he and his team are recreating an iconic vintage racing car... as an electric vehicle. It’s all part of a race of a different kind: one against time itself.

Watch the Hernan's Film

Read his story


Two man standing in front of a white car.

Cerita Kita

Lao Qian dan Xiao Qianon di Puncak Dunia

Untuk membaiki jarak yang semakin lebar antara dirinya dan putranya yang masih kecil, Lao Qian memutuskan untuk membawa putranya dalam perjalanan seumur hidup: perjalanan darat sejauh 2.000 km... dengan kendaraan listrik.


Tonton Film Lao Qian dan Xiao Qianon

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Two man standing in front of a white car.

Our Stories

Lao Qian and Xiao Qianon top of the world

To bridge the ever-widening gap between himself and his cherished young son, Lao Qian resolved to take the boy on the journey of a lifetime: a 2,000km road trip... in an electric vehicle.

Watch the Lao Qian and Xiao Qianon Film

Read their story



Our Stories

Lao Qian and Xiao Qianon top of the world

To bridge the ever-widening gap between himself and his cherished young son, Lao Qian resolved to take the boy on the journey of a lifetime: a 2,000km road trip... in an electric vehicle.

Watch the Lao Qian and Xiao Qianon Film

Read their story


A close-up of the technical interior of a car.

Inovasi Kami

Di BASF, kami menyukai kendaraan listrik – dan karena itulah mengapa kami terdorong untuk membuatnya lebih berkelanjutan. Cari tahu bagaimana kami menyempurnakan jejak karbon kendaraan listrik dengan berfokus pada bahan baterai yang sangat penting, mulai dari pengadaan, produksi, hingga daur ulang.


A close-up of the technical interior of a car.

Our innovations

At BASF, we love electric vehicles – and that’s exactly why we’re driven to make them even more sustainable. Find out how we are improving the carbon footprint of electric vehicles by focusing on the all-important battery materials, from sourcing to production to recycling.



Our innovations

At BASF, we love electric vehicles – and that’s exactly why we’re driven to make them even more sustainable. Find out how we are improving the carbon footprint of electric vehicles by focusing on the all-important battery materials, from sourcing to production to recycling.


Proyek bahan baterai global kami

A car in a mountainous landscape driving into the sunset.

Di luar bahan baterai

Kecintaan kami pada e-mobilitas tidak mengenal batas

Di pasar kendaraan listrik dan hibrida yang terus berubah, kami mengerjakan banyak aspek elektromobilitas selain bahan aktif katoda. Kami terus memperluas jangkauan kami untuk plastik rekayasa dan sistem poliuretan, pelapis fungsional, bahan bakar, dan pelumas. Inovasi kami mencakup produk untuk setiap bagian dari sebuah kendaraan listrik, serta infrastruktur pengisian daya. Namun yang menghubungkan semua itu adalah semangat yang kami miliki untuk membuat elektromobilitas menjadi lebih baik, dengan bantuan mitra kami, dan mengurangi sebanyak mungkin jejak karbon dari kendaraan listrik yang kami cintai.


Temukan proyek e-mobilitas kami yang lain

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang solusi material berkinerja tinggi kami

A car in a mountainous landscape driving into the sunset.

Beyond battery materials

Our love of e-mobility knows no bounds

In the dynamic electric and hybrid vehicle markets, we focus on various aspects of electromobility – from cathode active materials to engineering plastics, polyurethane systems, coatings, fuels, and lubricants. Our innovations cover all parts of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. Together with our partners, we strive to enhance electromobility and minimize the carbon footprint of EVs we love.

Discover our other e-mobility projects

Learn more about our high-performance material solutions


Beyond battery materials

Our love of e-mobility knows no bounds

In the dynamic electric and hybrid vehicle markets, we focus on various aspects of electromobility – from cathode active materials to engineering plastics, polyurethane systems, coatings, fuels, and lubricants. Our innovations cover all parts of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. Together with our partners, we strive to enhance electromobility and minimize the carbon footprint of EVs we love.

Discover our other e-mobility projects

Learn more about our high-performance material solutions