Who we are

The Lilleaker site is the Norwegian head office for BASF AS as well as for the Omega-3 business.
From BASF AS, we have representatives from both Human Resources, Finance and Facilities providing services for the majority of BASF Group companies in Norway. Furthermore we have representatives for various business areas.
Within our Omega-3 business, we have representatives from business functions such as; Business Development, Consumer Healthcare, Commercial, Clincal, Medical, Legal and Intellectual Property, Finance, HR, Quality Administration, Procurement and Logistics, Regulatory Affairs and Research & Development.
Lilleakerveien 2B, NO-0283 Oslo,
Postboks 420, NO-1327 Lysaker
Phone: +47 22 53 48 50
BASF Coatings Services AB
Lilleakerveien 2B, NO-0283 Oslo,
Postboks 420, NO-1327 Lysaker
Phone: +47 22 53 48 50
E-mail: coatings.norway@basf.com
BASF AS, pharmacovigilance
To report side effects/adverse events or safety concerns on Omacor® or Zodin® send e-mail to: PVBASF@pharmalex.com