Our Code of Conduct

In a rapidly changing and highly competitive world, it is vital to stay focused on what really matters to us at BASF. Our values – creative, open, responsible, and entrepreneurial – help us do this. They remind us of what BASF stands for and serve as a yardstick for how we do business.

We are strictly committed to high standards of legal compliance and business ethics. Our Code of Conduct defines the boundaries within which we as BASF employees must act to comply with laws and internal policies. By doing so, it protects BASF and each of us.

Our Code of Conduct guides us to put our values and commitments into practice – throughout the company, and in everything we do. It helps us navigate through areas and situations where responsible conduct and ethical decision-making are critically important. Only when we fully comply with our Code of Conduct, and all laws and regulations, we can achieve our aspiration to be the world’s leading chemical company, respected and trusted by our customers, investors, employees and all other stakeholders.

Our Code of Conduct cannot cover in detail the wide variety of situations we may encounter. Each of us is responsible for ensuring we understand BASF’s policies and procedures, and for maintaining the high ethical standards in every aspect of our work – even when our Code of Conduct provides no direct guidance. We are always expected to show both integrity and common sense. When in doubt, we always speak up and ask for help.

BASF Compliance Hotline 
The BASF Compliance Hotline is available to all BASF employees, as well as third-parties.

Anti-corruption, trade control and anti-money laundering


Trade control

Anti-money laundering

Antitrust law, gifts and entertainment, conflict of interests

Antitrust law

Gifts and entertainment

Conflict of interests

Human rights, labor and social standards

Environmental protection, health and safety

Human rights, labor and social standards

Environmental protection, health and safety 

Sensitive company information, personal data, digital responsibility, accurate books and records

Sensitive company information

Personal data

Digital responsibility

Company property

Accurate books and records