

One T for 1000 tasks - Ultramid® Advanced T1000 

Metal replacement is the key for the development of the next generation of lightweight and high-performance parts in many industries. However, the challenges for parts made of conventional plastics have increased drastically by trends such as further miniaturization, higher efficiency targets and functional integration. In particular, good mechanical properties at high temperatures and resistance to humid environments or chemicals call for new plastic materials which are able to succeed under these demanding conditions.

Answering these trends, BASF is now extending its polyphthalamide (PPA) portfolio by Ultramid® Advanced T1000 – a new compound group based on the polyamide 6T/6I. Ultramid® Advanced T1000 comprises the strongest and stiffest products of theUltramid® (PA) family with stable mechanical properties up to temperatures of about 120°C. Due to its partially aromatic chemical structure it offers high resistance against humidity and contact with challenging media – outperforming standard polyamides and many other PPA materials.

With this excellent property profile as well as BASF’s long application experience and profound technical expertise, Ultramid® Advanced T1000 is a strong and stable material for many demanding applications – one T for 1000 tasks.



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Even more PPAs from BASF!

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Ultramid® Advanced
Get to know our Ultramid® Advanced portfolio – PPAssion for perfection.
Ultramid® Advanced N
Ultramid® Advanced N je polyftalamid (PPA) s vynikajúcim profilom vlastností. Produktové portfólio ponúka vynikajúce mechanické vlastnosti pri zvýšených teplotách. Superhrdina pre inžinierov s náročnými požiadavkami!
Ultramid® Advanced T2000
Ultramid® Advanced T2000 je polyftalamid (PPA), ktorý kombinuje vynikajúcu mechanickú a dielektrickú pevnosť pri vysokých teplotách pre E&E konektory. Je všestrannou alternatívou ku kovovým dielom v prostredí s vysokou vlhkosťou.
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