
Supplier Code of Conduct

Our expectations. Your commitment.

Both new and existing suppliers are selected and evaluated beyond the basis of economic criteria. We also look closely at environmental protection, compliance with human rights, labor and social standards as well as anti-discrimination and anti-corruption policies. Inspired by the United Nations Global Compact initiative and the chemical industry’s Responsible Care program our Supplier Code of Conduct represents our understanding of these ESG standards.

In our Supplier Code of Conduct, we describe in detail what we expect from our suppliers. That is why it's so important that all our suppliers know the Code of Conduct and act accordingly. In the past two years, we have trained over 650 procurement employees worldwide on sustainability-oriented supplier management. This enables them to enter into a dialog with our suppliers to raise awareness and minimize possible risks along the supply chain.

  • As a supplier please get in touch with your key contact within BASF Procurement
  • As any other stakeholder please use our contact form