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Making a commitment to international standards or self-obligations in the areas of environmental protection and safety is one side of the coin, checking that this is actually adhered to is the other. To this end, BASF has maintained a number of monitoring systems and complaint mechanisms since the mid-1980s.

Versammlung von Mitarbeitern. Weltweit gelten für alle BASF-Standorte strenge Richtlinien in den Bereichen Anlagensicherheit und Gefahrenabwehr. Für jede neue Anlage in der BASF-Gruppe erstellen Fachleute ein Sicherheits-, Gesundheits- und Umweltschutzkonzept und überprüfen seine korrekte Umsetzung.  BASF-YPC Co. Ltd. ist ein 50:50-Joint-Venture zwischen der BASF und SINOPEC mit einem Investitionsvolumen von 2,9 Milliarden US-Dollar. Unter Verwendung modernster Technologie betreibt das Joint Venture auf dem 220 Hektar großen Werksgelände am Jangtse-Fluss in Nanjing, China, einen Steamcracker mit einer Jahreskapazität von 600.000 Tonnen Ethylen sowie neun Downstream-Anlagen. Der Standort ging 2005 in Betrieb und produziert jährlich rund 1,7 Millionen Tonnen qualitativ hochwertiger Chemieprodukte und Polymere für den schnell wachsenden chinesischen Markt.    Abdruck honorarfrei. Copyright by BASF

Employee meeting. Strict process safety and emergency response guidelines apply to all BASF sites worldwide. For every new BASF Group plant, experts develop safety, health and environmental protection concepts and ensure that they are implemented correctly.  BASF-YPC Co. Ltd. is a 50:50 joint venture between BASF and SINOPEC with a total investment volume of $2.9 billion. Using state-of-the-art technology, the joint venture operates a steamcracker (with an annual capacity of 600,000 metric tons of ethylene) and nine downstream plants on its 220 hectare site in Nanjing on the Yangtze River. The site began operating in 2005 and produces around 1.7 million metric tons of high quality chemicals and polymers per year for the rapidly growing Chinese market.    Print free of charge. Copyright by BASF.

In 1983 and 1985, BASF issued its first guidelines for occupational safety and environmental protection in the BASF Group in order to reduce possible risks in these areas. Since then, the company has audited plant and occupational safety as well as environmental and health protection at all its sites worldwide in keeping with uniform standards.

To enable systematic verification of the adherence to internationally recognized working and social standards, to which BASF had committed itself as part of the Global Compact, the company launched a special, multi-level monitoring system worldwide from 2005.

Today, BASF checks adherence to its uniform global standards in the areas of safety and environmental protection, health protection, product responsibility, compliance, and working and social standards by means of internal monitoring systems and complaint mechanisms, such as global surveys, audits or compliance hotlines.