Eine Fläche von rund 64.000 Quadratmetern - das entspricht 13 Fußballfeldern - umfasst der Steamcracker II, die größte einzelne Anlage am Standort Ludwigshafen der BASF. Der Cracker ist auch das „Herzstück" der Verbundproduktion. Seit 1981 ist dieser Gigant in Betrieb und spaltet unter Zusatz von Wasserdampf bei etwa 850 Grad Celsius Rohbenzin auf. Dabei entstehen im wesentlichen Ethylen und Propylen, beides unverzichtbare Grundstoffe für die Herstellung vieler Produkte in Ludwigshafen.
Abdruck honorarfrei. Copyright by BASF.

Steam cracker II, the largest individual plant at BASF's Ludwigshafen site, covers a surface area of about 64,000 square meters, which is about the size of 13 soccer fields. The steam cracker is also the heart of BASF's Verbund production strategy. This giant plant has been operating since 1981 and uses steam to crack naphtha at about 850°C [1,562°F]. This process leads primarily to ethylene and propylene, both indispensable feedstocks for manufacturing numerous products in Ludwigshafen.
Print free of charge. Copyright by BASF.


Contractor Manual

With our partners on site, we at BASF work on construction and assembly sites, in planning and processing as well as in offices and companies on an equal footing. Below you will find some important information and links to be able to work safely and efficiently at the Ludwigshafen site.

The full contractor manual is available in the infocenter: Contractor Manual (registration required, currently only available in German)

You will find this in our protected areas in the BASF Global Technical Extranet

The extended information center is available in the Global Technical Extranet for contractors: Infocenter for Contractors at site Standort Ludwigshafen

If you do not have access yet, please get in touch with your BASF contact person.
If you have forgotten your password, click here: BASF - We create chemistry - Request a password

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