Segmentasi Bisnis

Portofolio seimbang kami menawarkan peluang pertumbuhan yang kuat. Ini terdiri dari empat segmen dengan dua belas divisi operasi. Segmentasi yang didasarkan pada produk terkait, industri pelanggan, dan proses produksi. Sehingga memungkinkan kami untuk lebih efektif menggabungkan kompetensi dan pengetahuan dalam membawa produk dan solusi sistem kami ke pasar menjadi lebih cepat.

Segment Chemicals

Bahan Kimia

Segmen Bahan Kimia terdiri dari divisi Petrokimia dan Intermediet. Divisi ini memasok bahan kimia dasar dan produk antara ke segmen lain, yang berkontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan organik rantai nilai utama kami serta bisnis pelanggan langsung kami. Di samping transfer internal, pelanggan kami terutama berasal dari industri kimia dan plastik. Kami bertujuan untuk terus meningkatkan daya saing kami melalui kepemimpinan teknologi dan keunggulan operasional.

  Products Customer industries and applications
Petrochemicals Ethylene, propylene, butadiene, benzene, alcohols, solvents, plasticizers, alkylene oxides, glycols, acrylic monomers, styrene and polystyrene, styrenic foams, superabsorbents Chemical, plastics, construction, detergent, hygiene, automotive, packaging and textile industries; production of paints, coatings, cosmetics and oilfield as well as paper chemicals

Use in the BASF Verbund
Intermediates Basic products: butanediol and derivatives, alkylamines and alkanolamines, neopentyl glycol, formic and propionic acid

Specialties: specialty amines such as tertiary butylamine and polyetheramine, gas treatment chemicals, vinyl monomers, acid chlorides, chloroformates, chiral intermediates
Chemical, plastics, coatings, construction, automotive, wind energy, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries; production of detergents and cleaners, textile fibers, cosmetics, oilfield and paper chemicals

Use in the BASF Verbund
Technical plastics dyed in the signal colour RAL2003 are particularly in demand in the e-mobility market for the high-voltage range. BASF's plastic is outstandingly color-stable and heat-aging resistant.


Segmen Bahan material terdiri dari divisi Bahan Kinerja dan Monomer. Portofolio segmen ini mencakup material canggih dan prekursornya untuk aplikasi dan sistem baru seperti isosianat, poliamida, dan produk dasar anorganik, serta spesialisasi untuk plastik dan industri pengolahan plastik. Kami membedakan diri kami melalui keahlian teknologi khusus, pengetahuan industri dan kedekatan dengan pelanggan, serta ingin menciptakan nilai maksimum dalam rantai nilai isosianat dan poliamida.

  Products Customer industries and applications
Performance Materials Engineering plastics, polyurethane systems, thermoplastic polyurethane, foam specialties, biodegradable plastics

Transportation (including automotive, e-mobility), industrial (including electric and electronics), consumer goods (including footwear, sports and leisure, household appliances and furniture, medical devices), construction (including thermal insulation)


Isocyanates (MDI, TDI), ammonia, caprolactam, adipic acid, chlorine, urea, glues and impregnating resins, caustic soda, polyamides 6 and 6.6, standard alcoholates, sulfuric and nitric acid

Plastics, woodworking, furniture, packaging, textile, construction and automotive as well as other industries

Use in the BASF Verbund
Segment Industrial Solutions

Solusi Industri

Segmen Solusi Industri terdiri dari divisi Dispersi & Resin dan divisi Bahan Kimia Kinerja. Divisi ini mengembangkan dan memasarkan bahan dan aditif untuk aplikasi industri, seperti dispersi polimer, resin, aditif, bahan elektronik, dan antioksidan. Kami bertujuan untuk tumbuh secara organik di industri utama seperti otomotif, plastik, cat dan pelapis, elektronik, serta energi dan sumber daya, dan memperluas posisi kami dengan memanfaatkan keahlian industri yang komprehensif dan pengetahuan aplikasi.

  Products Customer industries and applications
Dispersions & Resins Polymer dispersions, resins, additives, electronic materials

Paints and coatings, construction, paper, printing and packaging, adhesives and electronics industries

Performance Chemicals Antioxidants, light stabilizers and flame retardants for plastic applications

Fuel additives, polyisobutene, brake fluids and engine coolants, lubricant additives and basestocks, components for metalworking fluids and compounded lubricants

Process chemicals for the extraction of oil, gas, metals and minerals; chemicals for enhanced oil recovery
Chemicals, plastics, consumer goods, automotive and transportation industries as well as energy and resources
Segment Surface Technologies

Teknologi Permukaan

Segmen Teknologi Permukaan terdiri dari divisi Katalis dan Pelapis, yang menawarkan solusi kimia untuk permukaan. Portofolionya melayani industri seperti sektor otomotif dan kimia dan mencakup OEM otomotif dan pelapis pelapis ulang, perawatan permukaan, katalis, bahan baterai, serta layanan logam mulia dan logam dasar. Kami meningkatkan aplikasi dan proses pelanggan kami dengan produk, teknologi, dan solusi yang disesuaikan, serta mendukung mereka melalui kedekatan geografis di semua wilayah. Tujuannya adalah untuk mendorong pertumbuhan BASF dengan memanfaatkan portofolio teknologi kami dan memperluas posisi kami sebagai penyedia bahan baterai dan solusi pelapis permukaan yang terdepan dan inovatif.

  Products Customer industries and applications
Catalysts Automotive catalysts, indoor air quality catalysts, process catalysts and technologies, battery materials, precious and base metal services and recycling Automotive, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, refineries, battery manufacturers

Solutions for the protection of air quality as well as the production of fuels, chemical and plastics as well as battery materials and battery material recycling
Coatings Coatings solutions for automotive applications, technology and system solutions for surface treatments, decorative paints


Automotive industry, body shops, steel industry, aviation, aluminum applications in the architecture and construction industries, household appliances, painting businesses and private consumers
Segment Nutrition & Care

Nutrisi & Perawatan

Segmen Nutrisi & Perawatan, yang terdiri dari divisi Bahan Kimia Perawatan dan Nutrisi & Kesehatan, melayani kebutuhan produsen makanan dan pakan yang terus meningkat serta industri farmasi, kosmetik, deterjen, dan pembersih, serta permintaan yang semakin canggih akan barang-barang konsumen yang bergerak cepat. Misalnya, kami juga menawarkan solusi untuk aplikasi teknis. Kami berusaha untuk memperluas posisi kami sebagai penyedia bahan baku terkemuka untuk barang-barang konsumen di bidang nutrisi, rumah tangga, dan perawatan pribadi melalui pertumbuhan organik. Kami berfokus pada pasar yang sedang bertumbuh, dengan fokus khusus pada produk yang lebih berkelanjutan dan model bisnis digital di pasar konsumen.

  Products Customer industries and applications
Care Chemicals Ingredients for skin and hair cleansing and care products, such as emollients, cosmetic active ingredients, polymers and UV filters

Solutions and ingredients for detergents and cleaners for household, institutional or industry use, such as surfactants, enzymes, chelating agents, water-soluble polymers, biocides and products for optical effects

Chemical ingredients and processing additives, for example, for crop protection, excipients for chemical processes such as emulsion polymerization, metal surface treatment and textile processing, as well as products for concrete additives, biofuels and other industrial applications
Cosmetics, detergent and cleaner industry, agrochemical industry, technical applications for various industries
Nutrition & Health Additives for the food and feed industries, such as vitamins, carotenoids, sterols, enzymes, emulsifiers, omega-3 fatty acids

Industrial enzymes for bioethanol and food production, natural and synthetic flavors and fragrances, such as citral, geraniol, citronellol, L-menthol and linalool, Isobionics® Santalol, valencene and nootkatone

Excipients for the pharmaceutical industry and selected, highvolume active pharmaceutical ingredients, such as ibuprofen and omega-3 fatty acids
Food and feed industries, flavor and fragrance industry, pharmaceutical industry and bioethanol industry
Segment Agricultural Solutions

Solusi Pertanian

Di segmen Solusi Pertanian, kami bertujuan untuk semakin memperkuat posisi pasar kami sebagai penyedia solusi terintegrasi. Penawaran kami terdiri dari benih, produk perawatan benih, serta solusi perlindungan tanaman biologis dan kimiawi, yang dilengkapi dengan produk pertanian digital untuk membantu petani mencapai hasil panen yang lebih baik. Strategi kami didasarkan pada pertumbuhan organik yang digerakkan oleh inovasi dan perluasan portofolio yang ditargetkan melalui akuisisi dan kolaborasi. Kebutuhan pelanggan, ekspektasi masyarakat, dan mengurangi dampak lingkungan adalah hal yang memotivasi kami untuk berinovasi.

Indications and sectors Applications Selected products

Protecting crops against harmful fungal diseases, improving plant health, securing yield and harvest quality with chemical and biological solutions

Boscalid, dimethomorph, F500®, Initium®, metiram, metrafenone, Revysol®, Serifel®, Xemium®
Herbicides Reducing competition from weeds for nutrients, water and sunlight to secure yield and harvest quality
Dicamba, dimethenamid-p, glufosinate, imazamox, Kixor®, Luximo®, pendimethalin, Tirexor®, topramezone
Insecticides Combating insect pests in agriculture and beyond with chemical and biological solutions, such as in the areas of public health, professional pest control and landscape maintenance
Alpha-cypermethrin, Broflanilide, chlorfenapyr, fipronil, Inscalis®, Interceptor®, Nealta®, teflubenzuron, Termidor®
Seed Treatment Improving seeds’ potential with chemical and biological protection as well as inoculants
ILEVO®, Integral® Pro, Poncho Votivo®, Relenya®, Sepiret®, Systiva®, Teraxxa, Vault® HP
Seeds & Traits Seeds & Traits for key field crops such as canola (oilseed rape), cotton, soybean and wheat, as well as vegetable seeds
Credenz®, FiberMax®, InVigor®, LibertyLink®, Nunhems®, Stoneville®

Segmen Chemicals (Kimia Dasar) di bisnis kami, terdiri dari bahan baku kimia dasar dan intermediet. Portofolionya terdiri dari pelarut dan plasticizer hingga monomer dan lem bervolume tinggi serta bahan baku deterjen, plastik, serat tekstil, cat dan pelapis, perlindungan tanaman dan obat-obatan. Selain melayani permintaan pelanggan di industri kimia dan berbagai macam sektor industri, kami juga memastikan bahwa segmen BASF lainnya memasok bahan kimia untuk memproduksi produk - produk hilir.

Segmen Chemicals (Kimia Dasar) terdiri dari divisi Petrokimia, Monomer dan Intermediet.

transfilling clear liquid
Juta € 2017



Pendapatan operasional sebelum item khusus


Pendapatan Operasional (EBIT)




Produk-produk dasar: etilena, propilena, butadiena, benzena, alkohol, pelarut, plasticizer, alkilena oksida, glikol dan monomer akrilik

Produk-produk spesialisasi: plasticizer khusus , akrilat khusus


Produk-produk dasar: isosianat (MDI, TDI), amonia, kaprolaktam, asam adipat, klor, urea, lem dan resin peresapan, soda kaustik, poliamida 6 dan 6.6, alkohol standar, asam sulfat dan asam nitrat


Produk-produk dasar: butanadiol dan turunannya, alkilamina dan alkanolamina, neopentil glikol, asam format dan propionat

Produk-produk spesialisasi: amina khusus seperti butilamina tersier dan polieteramina, bahan kimia pengolahan gas, monomer vinil, asam klorida, kloroformat, zat antara kiral

Industri dan aplikasi pelanggan


Digunakan di Verbund BASF

Industri kimia dan plastik, deterjen, kebersihan, otomotif, pengepakan dan industri tekstil; produksi cat, pelapis, dan kosmetik serta ladang minyak, konstruksi dan bahan kimia kertas


Digunakan di Verbund BASF 

Industri seperti plastik, elektronik, kayu, furnitur, pengemasan, tekstil, konstruksi dan otomotif


Digunakan di Verbund BASF

Plastik, pelapis dan industri farmasi, produksi deterjen dan pembersih serta produk perlindungan tanaman dan serat tekstil

Our Performance Products lend stability, color and better application properties to many everyday products. Our product portfolio includes vitamins and other food additives in addition to ingredients for pharmaceuticals, personal care and cosmetics, as well as hygiene and household products. Other products from this segment improve processes in the paper industry, in oil, gas and ore extraction, and in water treatment. They furthermore enhance the efficiency of fuels and lubricants, the effectiveness of adhesives and coatings, and the stability of plastics.

The Performance Products segment consists of the Dispersions & Pigments, Care Chemicals, Nutrition & Health and Performance Chemicals divisions.

two liquids mixed together
Million € 2017



Income from operations before special items


Income from operations (EBIT)



Dispersions & Pigments

Polymer dispersions, pigments, resins, high-performance additives, formulation additives, electronic materials

Care Chemicals

Ingredients for skin and hair cleansing and care products, such as emollients, cosmetic active ingredients, polymers and UV filters

Ingredients for detergents and cleaners in household, institution or industry, such as surfactants, enzymes, chelating agents, polymers, biocides and products for optical effects

Solvents and other ingredients for crop protection product formulations, as well as products for concrete additives and chemical processes such as metal surface treatments or textile processing

Superabsorbents for baby diapers, incontinence products and feminine hygiene articles

Nutrition & Health

Additives for the food and feed industries, such as vitamins, carotenoids, sterols, enzymes, emulsifiers and omega-3 fatty acids

Flavors and fragrances, such as geraniol, citronellol, L-menthol and linalool

Excipients for the pharmaceutical industry and selected, high-volume active pharmaceutical ingredients, such as ibuprofen and omega-3 fatty acids

Performance Chemicals

Antioxidants, light stabilizers and flame retardants for plastic applications

Fuel and refinery additives, polyisobutene, brake fluids and engine coolants, lubricant additives and basestocks, components for metalworking fluids and compounded lubricants

Process chemicals for the extraction of oil, gas, metals and minerals, chemicals for enhanced oil recovery

Functional chemicals and process chemicals for the production of paper and cardboard, water treatment chemicals, membrane technologies, kaolin minerals

Customer industries and applications

Dispersions & Pigments

Raw materials used to formulate products for industries such as construction, automotive, adhesive, printing, packaging, electronics and paper

Care Chemicals

Cosmetics industry, hygiene industry, detergent and cleaner industry, agricultural industry and technical applications

Nutrition & Health

Food and feed industries, flavor and fragrance industry and pharmaceutical industry

Performance Chemicals

Plastics processing industry, automotive industry, fuel and lubricant industry, oil and gas industry, mining industry, municipal and industrial water treatment as well as paper industry and packaging made of paper