Who we are
BASF in Norway

BASF in Norway is an active partner to the industry and sells a large range of products from BASF's wide product portfolio as well as supplementary products from a number of other suppliers. We offer our customers intelligent system solutions and sophisticated products.
BASF companies supply raw materials to several industries in Norway. We combine economic success with social responsibility and environmental protection. We make our contribution to finding the answers for global challenges such as climate protection, energy efficiency, nutrition and mobility. Our most important customers are to be found in the paper and chemicals industries, in the automotive and pharmaceutical industries as well as the human nutrition and agricultural sector.
In Norway, BASF is represented through BASF AS and BASF Coatings Services AB. Furthermore, BASF AS is acting as an agent for BTC Europe GmbH in the Nordic/Baltic region. BASF group companies employ about 175 people in Norway.
BTC Europe GmbH
Lilleakerveien 2B, NO-0283 Oslo,
Postboks 420, NO-1327 Lysaker
Phone: +47 22 53 48 50
BASF AS, pharmacovigilance
To report side effects/adverse events or safety concerns on Omacor® or Zodin® send e-mail to: PVBASF@pharmalex.com