Zrównoważony Rozwój

Better Enviroment – better life

  • Country: China
  • Years: Since 2018
  • Division: Intermediates, Care Chemicals

In China’s rural areas environment sanitation facilities (including trash bin, garbage truck, trash compactor and garbage transfer station, etc.) need more eco-friendly, efficient, water saving cleaning solutions.

Together with partners (e.g. CCIA – China Cleaning Industry Association) BASF is co-developing a cleaning solution that helps meeting these needs while building up expertise and increase awareness for sustainable solutions. An environmental-friendly product will be introduced to the market while helping low-income residents to gain the working skills for professional application.

Find more information here.


Improve low-income residents life with an innovative business model (currently in start-up phase)

Sustainable Development Goals:

icon of family holding hands with red background and text 1-no poverty
6-clean water and sanitation
8-decent work and economic growth
17-Partnerships for the goals