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Supplier Code of Conduct
Your commitment counts.
Our suppliers are selected and evaluated beyond the basis of economic criteria. We also look closely at environmental protection, compliance with human rights, labor and social standards as well as anti-discrimination and anti-corruption policies. BASF has committed to the principles of “We source responsibly” and wants to partner with suppliers to further develop their sustainability performance in its supply chain. We expect our suppliers to fully comply with applicable laws and to adhere to internationally recognized environmental, social and corporate governance standards (ESG standards). We also expect our suppliers to use their best efforts to implement these standards with their suppliers and subcontractors. Inspired by the United Nations Global Compact initiative, the United Nations Guiding Principles and Human Rights, the International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the chemical industry’s Responsible Care program our Supplier Code of Conduct represents our understanding of these ESG standards.
- As a supplier please get in touch with your key contact within BASF Procurement
- As any other stakeholder please use our contact form