I obtained my master’s degree in biotechnology from the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences. After my doctorate in biomedical research, I was looking for further options and since I am from the region, BASF was always very prominent as an employer. I applied and got a job as a postdoc in the laboratory or alternative methods development. Less than six months later I took over the position of laboratory team leader. I have now been in experimental toxicology for 15 years and currently head the laboratory for biokinetics and local toxicity with a colleague. In toxicology, we are quite good at assessing methods and have a variety of publications on this. The evaluation of new alternatives to animal experiments is a particularly exciting topic for me: In cooperation with academia, industry partners, animal protection associations and authorities, we examine very carefully which new ideas and methods really endure. Even though I sometimes seem to be the spoilsport, I make my own contribution to the topic of sustainability with BASF, namely by putting the possible alternative methods of the future through their paces. It is the diversity of my tasks that still motivates me after many years.