Contracted Services


The Class:

  1. Access the PowerPoint deck. (This is an extremely large file, so please be patient while it downloads.  You will see the downloaded file at the bottom left corner of your screen.  Communication to the server and then the actual download take approximately ten minutes to complete.  Once the download finishes, click Open file.)
  2. Select presentation mode by clicking Slide Show-->From Beginning.
  3. Ensure that you have turned up the volume on the PC you are using.
  4. Manually advance the presentation to the next slide by left-clicking your mouse once the audio concludes on each slide.  

The Test:

  1. Click here to open the test file.
  2. Test administrators - make one copy for each person taking the test.
  3. This is not a group activity - each person must take the test independently.
  4. Click here to open the key file and score the test results.  (Only BASF personnel may open this file.)
  5. Review any missed answer(s) with the test taker(s).  A minimum score of 80% is required to pass the test.
  6. Test administrators - complete and issue a certificate of completion for each person who took and passed the test.  (Only BASF personnel may open this file.)
  7. Contractors must retain completed tests and certificates as proof of completion.
  8. Initially, contractors will provide a summary record of his/her testing results to BASF for getting a badge and upon any request from a BASF representative.